[Xdoclet-devel] How to generate classes for each method of a class?
John Dous
2008-12-12 10:59:55 UTC
Hello there,

I need to generate java classes for each method of a class. For example if I have a classs (Foo.java) with 3 methods (run,stop,execute) I would like to generate 3 Classes
(Foo_run.java, Foo_stop.java, Foo_execute.java) which contain custom code by using Xdoclet.

Until now I can generate one class for each class. For example if I have a class (Foo.java) I can generate one other class (Foo_generated.java) by using a template (foo.xdt).

Could you tell me how to generate new classes of each method of a class?

Thank you in advance,

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